lay z spa energy efficient technology

How EnergySense® is changing inflatable hot tubs

Lay-Z-Spa's EnergySense® thermal insulation pioneering the way for energy-efficient inflatable hot tubs. Discover how this technology will help you save on your energy bills.

Newsthe Lay-Z-Spa built in pump

Introducing the UltraFit™ built-in pump

The Lay-Z-Spa UltraFit™ pump is a multifunctional pump built into the walls of some of our inflatable and foam hot tubs. This new development across many Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs offer much more space ar...

NewsArgos exclusive Lay-Z-Spa hot tub

Re-introducing The Lay-Z-Spa Honolulu AirJet™

With its very stylish light grey rattan design, this family-sized Lay-Z-Spa has everything you need to create your own relaxing haven at home.

Newsaward winning lay z spa carrara foam hot tub

Introducing the Carrara Airjet™

The award-winning Lay-Z-Spa Carrara Airjet™ is a rigid foam ThermaCore™ hot tub and part of a new generation of ultra-energy-efficient Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs.

NewsLay-Z-Spa wins 3 awards in 2024

Lay-Z-Spa wins 3 awards in 2024

We're pleased to have received 3 awards in 2024 showcasing new technology, new products and a new generation of energy-efficient Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs

Health & Wellbeingexercise recovery with a hot tub

Exercise recovery with a hot tub

Exercise recovery with a hot tub is growing in popularity. Here is our advice for using a hot tub after physical exercise and why.