Voucher Codes & Offers

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These exclusive offers are only available on the Lay‑Z‑Spa website, home of the UK's most 5‑star reviewed and most energy efficient inflatable hot tubs. Here you'll find our most up‑to‑date vouchers and offers to help you make time to relax and experience wellness at home.

lazy spa special offers

Free Gold Starter Kit*

This ultimate starter bundle (worth £99.99) includes a Clearwater Starter Kit, Clearwater Multifunction tablets and 24 Lay-Z-Spa filters.

*Available with selected Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs only

3 For 2 On Accessories & Chemicals

Simply choose any 3 products from our Chemicals or Accessories collections, and we'll automatically deduct the lowest priced item in your basket.

*Please note that we are unable to ship chemicals to certain parts of the UK.

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Free Delivery On Orders Over £20

Receive free delivery* on your Lay‑Z‑Spa order when you spend over £20. 

Please visit our delivery and returns page for full delivery details, eligible areas and T&Cs .

*To mainland UK addresses

10% lazy spa discount

5% Discount Code

Sign-up to our newsletter and get an exclusive 5% discount code.

*Discount code might not be applicable with certain offers.

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