Lay-Z-Spa Chlorine Dosage Guide

Lay-Z-Spa Chlorine Granule Dosage Recommendations Table


Lay-Z-Spa Water capacity in Litres Grams based on 9g per 1000 litres

Teaspoons (one teaspoon = approx. 5g)
St Lucia AirJet
Aruba AirJet
605 5 1
Bali AirJet
Bahamas AirJet
Boracay AirJet
Havana AirJet
Barbados AirJet
Tahiti AirJet
Cancun AirJet
Fiji AirJet
Madrid AirJet
Zurich AirJet
669 6 1
New York AirJet (pre-2024)
Paris AirJet
806 7 1
Honolulu AirJet
Milan AirJet Plus
Palm Springs AirJet
916 8 2
Vegas AirJet 848 8 2
Miami AirJet 800 7 1
Ibiza AirJet 778 7 1
Hawaii AirJet 840 8 2
St Moritz AirJet
Santorini HydroJet Pro
1190 11 2
Hollywood AirJet
Budapest AirJet
New York 6 AirJet
908 8 2
Mauritius Airjet 1370 12 2
Grenada AirJet 1350 12 2
Helsinki AirJet
Napa AirJet
1123 10 2
Hawaii HydroJet Pro
Majorca HydroJet Pro
Cabo HydroJet
795 7 1
Singapore AirJet Plus
Vancouver AirJet Plus
804 7 1
Maldives HydroJet Pro
Palma HydroJet Pro
1050 9 2
Toronto AirJet Plus 1300 12 2
San Francisco HydroJet Pro 1180 10 2
Dominica HydroJet 810 7 1
Carrara AirJet 850 8 2


Lay-Z-Spa Shock Dose Chlorine Recommendations Table


Lay-Z-Spa Water capacity in Litres Grams based on 20g per 1000 Litres Teaspoons (one teaspoon = approx. 5g)
St Lucia AirJet
Aruba AirJet
605 12 2
Bali AirJet
Bahamas AirJet
Boracay Airjet
Havana AirJet
Barbados AirJet
Tahiti AirJet
Cancun AirJet
Fiji AirJet
Madrid AirJet
Zurich AirJet
669 13 3
New York AirJet (pre-2024)
Paris AirJet
806 16 3
Honolulu AirJet
Milan AirJet Plus
Palm Springs AirJet
916 18 4
Vegas AirJet 848 17 3
Miami AirJet 800 16 3
Ibiza AirJet 778 16 4
Hawaii AirJet 840 17 4
St Moritz AirJet
Santorini HydroJet Pro
1190 24 5
Hollywood AirJet
Budapest AirJet
New York 6 AirJet
908 18 4
Mauritius Airjet 1370 27 5
Grenada AirJet 1350 27 5
Helsinki AirJet
Napa AirJet
1123 22 4
Hawaii HydroJet Pro
Majorca HydroJet Pro
Cabo HydroJet
795 16 3
Singapore AirJet Plus
Vancouver AirJet Plus
804 16 3
Maldives HydroJet Pro
Palma HydroJet Pro
1050 21 4
Toronto Airjet 1300 26 5
San Francisco HydroJet Pro 1180 23 5
Dominica HydroJet 810 16 3
Carrara AirJet 850 17 4

Please note: These tables are only applicable to ClearWater® Chemicals. Dosage recommendations are only approximate and the effect of chemicals on your water can vary each time you use them, depending on the exact amount of water in your hot tub, water type, water temperature, positioning of hot tub etc. Therefore it is essential to test the water every time before you use it.