Offers Terms and Conditions
General terms & conditions
The following are applicable to all sales, offers and voucher codes
- Start and end dates of offers or a sale will be noted below.
- All offers, promotions or discounts are subject to availability.
- Unless stated as "sitewide" offers will on apply to selected items only.
- Estimated delivery times may vary.
- As with any other order, items may be dispatched separately.
- Discount codes may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.
- Each promo code may have its own accompanying set of terms which we will make clear below.
- Unless otherwise stated, offers do not apply to delivery charges. Please check relevant delivery terms and conditions online.
- Any refunds will take into account the discount applied as part of the offer.
- We reserve the right to decline to accept orders where, in our reasonable opinion, a promotion code or discount is invalid for the order being placed or is the subject of fraudulent activity.
- Normal terms and conditions for using the Lay‑Z‑Spa UK website apply.
- Lay‑Z‑Spa reserves the right to (i) cancel an offer at any time; (ii) cancel or refuse any individual's benefit from it; (iii) amend the terms and conditions, including the end dates.
Discount Codes
- To use a discount code, add your chosen product(s) from www.lay‑z‑ to your basket. When you are ready to purchase, enter the discount code during the checkout process.
- The discount will only be applied in your basket, reducing the selling price of your chosen products by the voucher amount.
- The discount code cannot be combined with another discount and only applies to items purchased from
- Only one code may be used per transaction.
- The offer must be applied at the point of sale, and cannot be applied retrospectively
- The offer and discount is not exchangeable for cash and is non‑transferable. Returned items will be refunded at the discounted price paid. This does not affect your statutory rights.
- Postage and packaging will be applied to each item in accordance with our standard delivery rates and policies.
- Any discount code offered by us in relation to our products is offered on the basis of goodwill and we reserve the right to amend, suspend, withdraw or refuse to apply any discount code at our discretion.
3 For 2 On Accessories & Chemicals
- Offer valid from 01/07/24 until further notice or until stocks last.
- Only available with online purchases through
- Lowest priced item in your basket will be automatically calculated and savings displayed.
- All items are subject to availability.
- May not be available in conjunction with any other offer.
- If you return the free item, no refund will be issued.
- If you return one of the other items, you will be refunded the amount for that product, less the value of the free product at the time you purchased it.
- Offer only valid for deliveries in mainland UK (*Excludes Northern Ireland) due to limitations on where we can post certain items.
EnergySense® hot tubs 15% discount
- Offer valid from 20.02.2024 until 24.03.24.
- Offer applies to selected hot tubs only.
- Any additional items or free gifts dispatched separately to your hot tub.
- This offer may be excluded from certain offers.
- This offer is excluded from outlet items.
Free Gold Starter Kit worth £99.99 with selected Lay-Z-Spa Hot Tubs*
- Offer valid from 01.02.2022 until further notice or until stocks last.
- Offer applies to hot tub purchases only
- Applies to selected hot tubs only
- Gold Starter Kit includes Spa Chemical Starter Kit, 1Kg Multi‑Function Tablets and 24 x Filter Cartridge Bundle
- Total value of individual Gold Starter Kit items is £118.96 RRP.
- Offer only valid for deliveries in mainland UK. (*Excludes Northern Ireland) due to limitations on where we can post the chemicals.
- Free Gold Starter Kit is dispatched separately to your hot tub.
- This offer may be excluded from certain offers.
- This offer is excluded from outlet items.
* Please note that the Gold Starter Kit may be excluded for certain promotional campaigns or may be included in a larger bundle.