UltraFit™ Integrated Heater

lay z spa integrated heater foam hot tub

Built-in UltraFit™ integrated heater

The Lay-Z-Spa UltraFit™ integrated multifunction heater offers better efficiency, more space around the hot tub and an all-round more sleek design to the look of your hot tub.

The built-in heater system is fully integrated into the construction of the Lay-Z-Spa hot tub, whether that's foam wall or inflatable. The only part you see is the flip-up control panel that gives you easy access to all the functions and can be folded out of sight.

Lay z spa built in pump

Benefits of an UltraFit™ integrated heater

  • Better efficiency
  • Space saving
  • Quieter
  • Air pressure regulation*
  • One-touch inflation*

*On inflatable Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs with UltraFit™ heaters - this does not apply to ThermaCore™ foam walled hot tubs.