Community Stories: Sciatica Relief
Hot tubs, especially ones with jets like our HydroJet hot tubs, are beneficial to soothing sciatica as the massaging properties of the HydroJets can help loosen muscles and relieve the pressure on ...

Community Stories: PTSD Relief & Mental Wellbeing
Rebecca from Norfolk, a former NHS nurse, is an advocate for the mental health benefits of hot tubs after getting herself a Lay-Z-Spa during the pandemic.

Community Stories: Depression Relief with Lay-Z-Spa
Hot tubs can be beneficial to mental health issues such as depression as Dawn Murphy and her husband have found out.

Lay-Z-Spa Health Benefits Proven By Science
Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs are good for health and wellbeing - It's been proven by science. From reduced stress and anxiety to improved cardiovascular health, a Lay-Z-Spa can improve your health whilst you...

Community Stories: COPD Relief with a Hot Tub
Marion, a COPD sufferer, explains that a hot tub can help with breathing conditions like hers as well as alleviate muscle soreness and improve mental health.

Community Stories: Becoming A Hot Tub Expert With Adam About
Adam About is a YouTuber from Plymouth in Devon with nearly 2.5 million views on his videos about hot tub maintenance, setting up, reviews and experiences.