award winning lay z spa carrara foam hot tub

Introducing the Carrara Airjet™

The award-winning Lay-Z-Spa Carrara Airjet™ is a rigid foam ThermaCore™ hot tub and part of a new generation of ultra-energy-efficient Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs.

NewsLay-Z-Spa wins 3 awards in 2024

Lay-Z-Spa wins 3 awards in 2024

We're pleased to have received 3 awards in 2024 showcasing new technology, new products and a new generation of energy-efficient Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs

Health & Wellbeingexercise recovery with a hot tub

Exercise recovery with a hot tub

Exercise recovery with a hot tub is growing in popularity. Here is our advice for using a hot tub after physical exercise and why.

Inspirationlay z spa hot tubs with lights

Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs with lights

Explore our range of hot tubs that come with lights to enhance the mood and create ambience

Health & Wellbeinghot tub cardio health benefits

Hot Tub Cardio Health Benefits

Did you know that hot tubs are good for cardiovascular health? There is now sufficient scientific evidence that using a Lay-Z-Spa has positive cardio health benefits.

General Maintenancehow to add more air to a lay z spa full of water

How to add more air to a Lay-Z-Spa full of water

If you’re wondering how to add more air to a Lay-Z-Spa full of water, here are 4 easy steps to follow.