Chlorine is absolutely essential for sanitising water and maintaining a healthy and enjoyable Lay-Z-Spa. Most Lay-Z-Spa owners will be well aware of the two different types available: Clearwater multifunction tablets and Clearwater chlorine granules. But which will work better for you? Let’s find out!
What is the difference between chlorine granules and multifunction tablets?
Chlorine Granules
Chlorine granules are a kind of quick-dissolving powder that need to be measured / weighed and diluted in a small amount of water. Then, that mix can be added straight into your Lay-Z-Spa and they get to work right away. Granules start making changes relatively quickly, which is why they are needed for shock dosing. See our dosage guide for using granules.
Multifunction Chlorine Tablets
The multifunction tablets are slow dissolving which means they release small concentrations of chemicals over longer periods of time. Tablets are to be used in a chemical floater or the Lay-Z-Spa ChemConnect dispenser. Both have flow adjustments to control the amount of water that circulates through which impacts the amount of chlorine that will be dispersed into the water. These particular chlorine tablets also contain Algaecide and Water Clarifier for even easier water management.
Pros and cons of granules Vs Multifunction tablets*
Chlorine Granules
- Chlorine granules offer you much more control
- Quicker results
- Necessary for giving your water a shock dose.
- Granules can be a bit more hands-on
- Can accidentally "over-dose" so chlorine levels are a bit too high
Multifunction Chlorine Tablets
- Hassle free ongoing chlorination
- Perfect for regular hot tub users who don't want to worry about topping up the chlorine too often
- Include a small amount of algaecide and clarifier
- Still need granules for shock dosing
- Can take a bit of trial and error
*Some of these "cons" are noted here as an example of inexperience with the product. The reality is, that once you have used either a couple of times, you will be much more familiar with how it works.
Verdict on chlorine granules Vs tablets?
After taking into consideration feedback and knowledge from within the Lay-Z-Spa community, its clear that it just comes down to personal preference.
Many of our customers combine both chlorine granules and multifunction tablets as they see fit such as using multifunctional tablets for day-to-day maintenance of chlorine levels whilst having some handy granules in reserve for shock dosing and small changes to chlorine levels.
Try both and you will soon discover what works best for you.