We compare the benefits of a Hot Tub Vs Ice Bath. Both have a different purpose and benefits, but which is better in the long term?
What is the best temperature for a Lay-Z-Spa?
Do you want to know the best temperature for a Lay-Z-Spa? Find out how to get the most out of your home relaxation by adjusting your water temperature to suit your preferences or needs.
Community Stories: PTSD Relief & Mental Wellbeing
Rebecca from Norfolk, a former NHS nurse, is an advocate for the mental health benefits of hot tubs after getting herself a Lay-Z-Spa during the pandemic.
How Often Should You Change The Water In A Lay-Z-Spa?
Clear water doesn't always mean clean water. Find out why and how often you should change the water in your Lay-Z-Spa.
Introducing the Boracay AirJet™
The Boracay AirJet™ is the newest addition to Lay-Z-Spa's range of hot tubs with aesthetically pleasing designs and great features.
Lay-Z-Spa Chemicals For Beginners
Confused by what chemicals you need for a Lay-Z-Spa or why you need to add chemicals to a hot tub? This is a guide for beginners who are unsure about hot tub chemicals and need a bit of help.