Can hot tubs help with mental health
Case Studies

Community Stories: Depression Relief with Lay-Z-Spa

Hot tubs can be beneficial to mental health issues such as depression as Dawn Murphy and her husband have found out.

Inspirationhot tub privacy ideas

6 Hot Tub Privacy Ideas

Are you looking for some inspiration on how to get a bit more hot tub privacy? From privacy screens to purpose built hot tubs shelters, there's an option for everyone

General MaintenanceLay-Z-Spa in hard water area

Using a Lay-Z-Spa in A Hard Water Area

Around 60% of UK households are in hard or very hard water areas. If you have a Lay-Z-Spa in a hard water area, here is our advice.

Inspirationinflatable hot tub vs hard shell hot tub

Lay-Z-Spa Vs Hard Shell Hot Tubs

Inflatable hot tubs Vs hard shell hot tubs - whichever way you look at it, a hot tub at home is a luxury item. Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs offer many more benefits than you might be aware of.

Case Studieslay-z-spa hot tubs are good for you

Lay-Z-Spa Health Benefits Proven By Science

Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs are good for health and wellbeing - It's been proven by science. From reduced stress and anxiety to improved cardiovascular health, a Lay-Z-Spa can improve your health whilst you...

General Maintenancehow to descale a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub

How To Descale A Lay-Z-Spa

Scale build-up in a Lay-Z-Spa is very common in hard water areas. Here is our advice on how to descale a Lay-Z-Spa and how to prevent limescale from causing any issues.